Spring Registration is open January - February.
Spring season is April - June
Fall Registration is open May- June.
Fall season is August - October
*Players that have played on a Stow SC travel team in the prior season, and players invited to play on a team by Stow SC will be given priority roster spots. New players may be subject to a try-out period. Stow SC has the final say on all travel team roster spots. The Stow SC REC Soccer program is appropriate for new players.
The Stow Soccer Club Travel Soccer Teams play in O.H.T.S.L. (Ohio Travel Soccer league) and play various teams from the surrounding Northeast Ohio communities. The league and teams are governed by US Club Soccer.
Travel distance is usually within a 5-60 mile radius of the Akron area.
Games are played weekly, mostly on Sundays with some Saturdays and weekdays depending on division and season. We play 8-game seasons generally with 4 games being at home and 4 games being away.
Travel teams are divided by age and skill level (when possible). Accommodations can not always be made for requests to play with friends. Players are evaluated by Stow Soccer Club and placed on teams accordingly.
Teams are coached by volunteer parents and/or our own Stow Soccer Club coaching staff who run at least two, 90-minute practices per week. All coaches must submit to a background check and be licensed by the league. All coaches and assistant coaches have passed a criminal background check, have complied with HB 143-The Return to Play Law, regarding concussions, and have Grassroots training from US Club Soccer.
Players may play up on an older team (club invite only), but may not play down on a younger team.
REGISTRATION $155.00 Until MIDNIGHT February 2, 2025!
Late registration fee of $25.00 applied February 3, 2025 and after.
***To qualify for the $155 registration fee you must complete the try-out registration, be accepted to a team, and then complete the final team acceptance registration prior to midnight February 2, 2025.***
*** Please do not wait until the last day to register. The registration close dates my change due to registration numbers. Divisions may close early when full. Do not wait! ***
U9 to U11/U12 age groups (subject to change)
Oregon Trails Park
2913 Graham Road
Stow, Ohio 44224
U11/U12 to U15 age groups (subject to change)
Silver Springs Park
4998 Stow Rd.
Stow, Oh. 44224
Soccer ball. Size 4 for age groups U9 through U12. Size 5 for age groups U13 through U15.
Water bottle with water. Please mark your players name clearly on the bottle. We prefer no disposable plastic bottles.
Stow soccer uniform kit. (Three Jerseys, 1 shorts, and 1 socks purchased at registration. The BSN maroon/gold stripe uniform kit with the hombre maroon and gray jersey is the only accepted uniform. Players must have all pieces.
Soccer Shoes with molded cleats (no metal spikes or baseball/football cleats with a toe cleat allowed in league play).
Stow Soccer Club
P.O. Box 1392
Stow, Ohio 44224
Phone: 330-289-0687
Email: bdnagy65@gmail.com
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